Football Fans: A Data-Driven Approach to College Selection

This was a project that I originally did for my Data Warehousing class in grad school using Microsoft SQL server and SSIS. I’ve been taking a lot of datacamp courses lately and wanted to put what I learned about the tidyverse into action. This project has a lot of data manipulation and cleanup tasks, so I thought it would be a good candidate to convert what I did in grad school to R and MySQL. Enjoy!


Using a dimensional model, data warehouse, and Tableau I explored data from the College Scorecard and NCAA Division I FBS football games to create a data-driven approach to school selection for college football fans.

Data Warehouse Opportunity and Objectives

For many students in the United States, NCAA Division I football is an important part of their student life and college experience. It is also my biased opinion that college football is fun to watch, especially when you have an emotional investment in one of the teams playing. Thus, I saw an opportunity to create a data-driven approach to school selection for college football fans.

The data-driven approach included several objectives:

  • Retrieve data from the College Scorecard using the available API
  • Scrape NCAA Division I FBS college football game scores from the web
  • Cleanup and transform the data
  • Create a dimensional data model
  • Load the data into a MySQL data warehouse running on AWS
  • Create an interactive dashboard that allows users to input certain criteria regarding school location, size, graduation rate, total cost, etc. and get back a filtered list of schools showing a map of the school location, tuition and fee cost per win, point differential per game, points per game, etc.

Source Data

College Scorecard School Data

I am using the available API provided by College Scorecard to extract the relevant school data. The College Scorecard combines data from the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS), and various other sources into one dataset and makes it available through an API. The extraction process includes selecting the desired data fields (there are a ton to choose from), determining which years to pull data for, and creating the API call to return the data. The latest full dataset available is for the 2015-2016 school year. I will be extracting the last 5 school years worth of data (2011-2012, 2012-2013, 2013-2014, 2014-2015, 2015-2016).

In R, there is an existing package called rscorecard that “is simply a method for converting idiomatic R code into a properly formatted URL string that is then queried.” This package does require an API key which I requested here. I added the API key to a .Renviron file to maintain security best practices.

years <- seq(2011, 2015)
# get school data for all 4-year schools that are public or private non-profit for desired years and combine it all into one tibble
school_data_staging <- map_dfr(years, ~
  sc_init() %>%
    sc_filter(ICLEVEL == 1, CONTROL == 1:2) %>%
    sc_year(.x) %>%
Table 1: Raw School Data
satvrmid c100_4 loan_ever satmt75 actcm75 acten75 actmtmid main city satvr25 pctfloan ret_ft4 iclevel zip latitude satmtmid satmt25 ugds actcmmid stabbr alias unitid region longitude instnm actcm25 c150_4 tuitionfee_in control grad_debt_mdn actmt75 opeid6 tuitionfee_out insturl acten25 actenmid satvr75 opeid actmt25 adm_rate grad_debt_mdn10yr year
570 0.2488538 0.8158580 630 27 28 25 1 Tampa 520 0.4489 0.8752 1 33620-9951 28.05665 585 540 29232 25 FL USF Main Campus |USF Tampa Campus |USF Tampa |USF 137351 5 -82.41588 University of South Florida-Main Campus 23 0.5171 5800 1 17500 27 1537 14990 22 25 620 153700 23 0.3805 NA 2011
NA NA 0.6935032 NA NA NA NA 1 Clearwater NA 0.3461 NA 1 33760-2822 27.90260 NA NA 28077 NA FL SPC, Saint Petersburg College, St. Petersburg College 137078 5 -82.71732 St Petersburg College NA 0.2766 2988 1 12500 NA 1528 10897 NA NA NA 152800 NA NA NA 2011
NA NA 0.2994798 NA NA NA NA 1 Fort Lauderdale NA 0.1406 NA 1 33301 26.07972 NA NA 37774 NA FL BC 132709 5 -80.23541 Broward College NA 0.2536 2446 1 6500 NA 1500 2446 NA NA NA 150000 NA NA NA 2011
NA 0.1111111 0.7887324 NA NA NA NA 1 Lithonia NA 0.5049 0.0000 1 30038-9869 33.69798 NA NA 482 NA GA NA 135364 5 -84.12365 Luther Rice College & Seminary NA 0.1111 5520 2 18750 NA 31009 5520 NA NA NA 3100900 NA NA NA 2011
NA NA 0.5679661 NA NA NA NA 1 Bradenton NA 0.2949 NA 1 34207 27.43607 NA NA 10182 NA FL SCF 135391 5 -82.59174 State College of Florida-Manatee-Sarasota NA 0.3210 3074 1 9450 NA 1504 11597 NA NA NA 150400 NA NA NA 2011

Football Data

For the football data, I am going to scrape data from, a sports statistics clearinghouse that allows free downloads of data. You can export this data to CSVs, but I’m going to scrape it so I don’t have to deal with multiple CSV files. To mirror the school data, I will be extracting the data for the same school years as mentioned above (2011-2012, 2012-2013, 2013-2014, 2014-2015, 2015-2016). I’ll also be getting data for bowl games. The bowl data is on a separate webpage of the site.

get_football_data <- function(games, years) {
  if (!(games %in% c("schedule", "bowls"))) {
    stop("Game arg must be either 'schedule' or 'bowls'", call. = FALSE)
  # create urls based on the desired years and if user wants all games or bowl games
  urls <- paste0("",years,"-",games,".html")

  # get html from urls
  urls_html <- map(urls, ~ read_html(.x))

  # get the data for each url and combine it into one data table
  football_data <- rbindlist(map(urls_html, ~ .x %>%
                                   html_nodes("table") %>%
                                   .[[1]] %>%
                                   html_table()), fill = TRUE) # fill = true here because different years have different columns included in the data
football_data_staging <- get_football_data("schedule", years)
football_data_staging_bowls <- get_football_data("bowls", years)
Table 2: Raw Regular Season Data
Rk Wk Date Day Winner Pts V1 Loser Pts Notes Time TV
1 1 Sep 1, 2011 Thu Arizona State 48 California-Davis 14 NA NA
2 1 Sep 1, 2011 Thu Bowling Green State 32 @ Idaho 15 NA NA
3 1 Sep 1, 2011 Thu Central Michigan 21 South Carolina State 6 NA NA
4 1 Sep 1, 2011 Thu Florida International 41 North Texas 16 NA NA
5 1 Sep 1, 2011 Thu Georgia Tech 63 Western Carolina 21 NA NA
Table 3: Raw Bowl Data
Date Bowl Winner Pts Loser Pts Notes Gametime TV
2012-01-09 BCS Championship Alabama 21 Louisiana State 0 New Orleans, LA NA NA
2012-01-08 Bowl Northern Illinois 38 Arkansas State 20 Mobile, AL NA NA
2012-01-07 BBVA Compass Bowl Southern Methodist 28 Pittsburgh 6 Birmingham, AL NA NA
2012-01-06 Cotton Bowl Arkansas 29 Kansas State 16 Arlington, TX NA NA
2012-01-04 Orange Bowl West Virginia 70 Clemson 33 Miami, FL NA NA

Data Cleanup

Now that I have all of the school and football data, I need to clean it up.

School Data

I’ll start with the school data. Overall, it’s in pretty good shape. The main things to do are rename the columns so they are a little more user friendly and decode columns like “CONTROL”, “ICLEVEL”, “REGION”, etc. so that instead of containing numbers they contain what those numbers mean (e.g. a “CONTROL” value of 1 means it is a public school).

I’ll also include the full state name based on the state abbreviation. The decoded values can be found in the College Scorecard data dictionary.

clean_school_data <- function(dirty_data) {
  state_lookups <- read_csv("") %>%
    filter(VariableName == "State abbreviation (HD2016)") %>%
    select(Value, ValueLabel)
  clean_data <- dirty_data %>%
    mutate(region = recode(region,
                           "0"  = "US Service schools",
                           "1"  = "New England",
                           "2"  = "Mid East",
                           "3"  = "Great Lakes",
                           "4"  = "Plains",
                           "5"  = "Southeast",
                           "6"  = "Southwest",
                           "7"  = "Rocky Mountains",
                           "8"  = "Far West",
                           "9"  = "Outlying"),
           control = recode(control,
                            "1" = "Public",
                            "2" = "Private not-for-profit"),
           iclevel = recode(iclevel,
                            "1" = "4-year",
                            "2" = "2-year",
                            "3" = "Less-than-2-year"),
           zip = str_sub(zip, end = 5), # keep only the first 5 numbers for zip code; some values are missing dash between zip and zip +4 code
          school_size_category = case_when(ugds < 1000 ~ "Under 1,000",
                                           between(ugds, 1000, 4999) ~ "1,000 - 4,999",
                                           between(ugds, 5000, 9999) ~ "5,000 - 9,999",
                                           between(ugds, 10000, 19999) ~ "10,000 - 19,999",
                                           ugds > 20000 ~ "20,000 and above",
                                           TRUE ~ NA_character_)) %>%
    left_join(state_lookups, by = c("stabbr" = "Value")) %>%
    rename("ACT_composite_25th_percentile" = actcm25,
           "ACT_composite_75th_percentile" = actcm75,
           "ACT_composite_midpoint" = actcmmid,
           "ACT_english_25th_percentile" = acten25,
           "ACT_english_75th_percentile" = acten75,
           "ACT_english_midpoint" = actenmid,
           "ACT_math_25th_percentile" = actmt25,
           "ACT_math_75th_percentile" = actmt75, 
           "ACT_math_midpoint" = actmtmid,
           "school_admission_rate" = adm_rate,
           "school_alias" = alias,
           "school_graduation_rate_4yrs" = c100_4,
           "school_graduation_rate_6yrs" = c150_4,
           "school_city" = city,
           "school_control" = control,
           "school_median_debt_graduates" = grad_debt_mdn,
           "school_median_debt_graduates_monthly_payments" = grad_debt_mdn10yr,
           "school_name" = instnm,
           "school_url" = insturl,
           "school_latitude" = latitude,
           "school_level" = iclevel,
           "school_students_with_any_loan" = loan_ever,
           "school_longitude" = longitude,
           "school_main_campus_flag" = main,
           "school_opeid8" = opeid,
           "school_opeid6" = opeid6,
           "school_federal_loan_rate" = pctfloan,
           "school_region" = region,
           "school_retention_rate" = ret_ft4,
           "SAT_math_25th_percentile" = satmt25,
           "SAT_math_75th_percentile" = satmt75, 
           "SAT_math_midpoint" = satmtmid,
           "SAT_reading_25th_percentile" = satvr25,
           "SAT_reading_75th_percentile" = satvr75, 
           "SAT_reading_midpoint" = satvrmid,
           "school_st_abbr" = stabbr,
           "school_in_state_price" =  tuitionfee_in,
           "school_out_state_price" = tuitionfee_out, 
           "school_size" = ugds,
           "school_id" = unitid,
           "school_state" = ValueLabel,
           "school_year_start" =  year,
           "school_zip" = zip)
school_data_transform <- clean_school_data(school_data_staging)
Table 4: Clean School Data
SAT_reading_midpoint school_graduation_rate_4yrs school_students_with_any_loan SAT_math_75th_percentile ACT_composite_75th_percentile ACT_english_75th_percentile ACT_math_midpoint school_main_campus_flag school_city SAT_reading_25th_percentile school_federal_loan_rate school_retention_rate school_level school_zip school_latitude SAT_math_midpoint SAT_math_25th_percentile school_size ACT_composite_midpoint school_st_abbr school_alias school_id school_region school_longitude school_name ACT_composite_25th_percentile school_graduation_rate_6yrs school_in_state_price school_control school_median_debt_graduates ACT_math_75th_percentile school_opeid6 school_out_state_price school_url ACT_english_25th_percentile ACT_english_midpoint SAT_reading_75th_percentile school_opeid8 ACT_math_25th_percentile school_admission_rate school_median_debt_graduates_monthly_payments school_year_start school_size_category school_state
570 0.2488538 0.8158580 630 27 28 25 1 Tampa 520 0.4489 0.8752 4-year 33620 28.05665 585 540 29232 25 FL USF Main Campus |USF Tampa Campus |USF Tampa |USF 137351 Southeast -82.41588 University of South Florida-Main Campus 23 0.5171 5800 Public 17500 27 1537 14990 22 25 620 153700 23 0.3805 NA 2011 20,000 and above Florida
NA NA 0.6935032 NA NA NA NA 1 Clearwater NA 0.3461 NA 4-year 33760 27.90260 NA NA 28077 NA FL SPC, Saint Petersburg College, St. Petersburg College 137078 Southeast -82.71732 St Petersburg College NA 0.2766 2988 Public 12500 NA 1528 10897 NA NA NA 152800 NA NA NA 2011 20,000 and above Florida
NA NA 0.2994798 NA NA NA NA 1 Fort Lauderdale NA 0.1406 NA 4-year 33301 26.07972 NA NA 37774 NA FL BC 132709 Southeast -80.23541 Broward College NA 0.2536 2446 Public 6500 NA 1500 2446 NA NA NA 150000 NA NA NA 2011 20,000 and above Florida
NA 0.1111111 0.7887324 NA NA NA NA 1 Lithonia NA 0.5049 0.0000 4-year 30038 33.69798 NA NA 482 NA GA NA 135364 Southeast -84.12365 Luther Rice College & Seminary NA 0.1111 5520 Private not-for-profit 18750 NA 31009 5520 NA NA NA 3100900 NA NA NA 2011 Under 1,000 Georgia
NA NA 0.5679661 NA NA NA NA 1 Bradenton NA 0.2949 NA 4-year 34207 27.43607 NA NA 10182 NA FL SCF 135391 Southeast -82.59174 State College of Florida-Manatee-Sarasota NA 0.3210 3074 Public 9450 NA 1504 11597 NA NA NA 150400 NA NA NA 2011 10,000 - 19,999 Florida

Football Data

The football data is a bit more messy than the school data. For example, the row headers are sometimes repeated in the middle of the dataset. Also, for some schools the ranking precedes the school name (i.e. “(2) Alabama”). As a part of the cleaning process for the football data, I’m also going to join in the bowl game information and create flags for which games were bowl games and which ones were national championship games.

clean_football_data <- function(all_games, bowls) {
  clean_bowls <- bowls %>% 
    set_tidy_names() %>%
    as_tibble() %>%
    mutate_at(vars(Date), ymd) %>% 
    select(Date, Bowl, Winner)
  clean_all_games <- all_games %>%
    set_tidy_names() %>% 
    as_tibble() %>%
    rename(school_points = Pts..6, opponent_points = Pts..9, home_away = V1) %>% 
    mutate_all(funs(replace(., . == '', NA))) %>%
    filter(!(Rk %in% "Rk") & !(Notes %like% "Cancelled")) %>%
    mutate(school_rank = str_extract(Winner, "\\d{1,2}"),
           opponent_rank = str_extract(Loser, "\\d{1,2}"),
           school = str_replace(Winner, "\\(\\d{1,2}\\)\\s", ""),
           opponent = str_replace(Loser, "\\(\\d{1,2}\\)\\s", ""),
           school_game_site = case_when(home_away %in% "@" ~ "away",
                               ~ "home",
                                        TRUE ~ "neutral"),
           opponent_game_site = case_when(school_game_site %in% "away" ~ "home",
                                          school_game_site %in% "home" ~ "away",
                                          TRUE ~ "neutral"),
           school_win = as.integer(1),
           opponent_win = as.integer(0)) %>%
    mutate_at(vars(Rk, Wk, school_points, opponent_points, school_rank, opponent_rank), as.integer) %>% 
    mutate_at(vars(Date), mdy) %>%
    left_join(clean_bowls, by = c("Date" = "Date", "school" = "Winner")) %>% 
    mutate(bowl_flag = if_else(!, 1, 0),
           national_championship_flag = if_else(Bowl %like% "Championship", 1, 0)) %>%
    mutate_at(vars(bowl_flag, national_championship_flag), as.integer) %>%
    rename("game_number" = Rk,
           "football_week" = Wk,
           "game_date" = Date,
           "game_day" = Day,
           "football_notes" = Notes,
           "game_time" = Time,
           "game_tv" = TV,
           "bowl" = Bowl) %>% 
    select(-Winner, -Loser, -home_away)
football_data_transform <- clean_football_data(football_data_staging, football_data_staging_bowls)
Table 5: Clean Football Data
game_number football_week game_date game_day school_points opponent_points football_notes game_time game_tv school_rank opponent_rank school opponent school_game_site opponent_game_site school_win opponent_win bowl bowl_flag national_championship_flag
1 1 2011-09-01 Thu 48 14 NA NA NA NA NA Arizona State California-Davis home away 1 0 NA 0 0
2 1 2011-09-01 Thu 32 15 NA NA NA NA NA Bowling Green State Idaho away home 1 0 NA 0 0
3 1 2011-09-01 Thu 21 6 NA NA NA NA NA Central Michigan South Carolina State home away 1 0 NA 0 0
4 1 2011-09-01 Thu 41 16 NA NA NA NA NA Florida International North Texas home away 1 0 NA 0 0
5 1 2011-09-01 Thu 63 21 NA NA NA NA NA Georgia Tech Western Carolina home away 1 0 NA 0 0

Now that the school and football data are clean, I’m ready to create the data model.

Dimensional Model

I am going to store this data in MySQL running on AWS RDS. To initially setup an AWS RDS instance, I loosely followed these directions.

For this project, I’m going to use a star schema. The first step in creating the dimensional data model is profiling the data in order to better understand how the data from the two different sources fits together. During this profiling step, I determined what data types best fit each variable in both data sets and what sizes to make each data type.

school_data_char_length <- school_data_transform %>% 
  map(~ max(nchar(.x), na.rm = TRUE))

school_data_transform %>% 
  mutate_if(is.character, as.factor) %>% 
football_data_char_length <- football_data_transform %>% 
  map(~ max(nchar(.x), na.rm = TRUE))

football_data_transform %>% 
  mutate_if(is.character, as.factor) %>% 

I also created the business rules that govern the data:

  • Each school is defined as a four year university or college located within the United States of America
  • Each football game is played by two and only two universities
  • Each football game is played by at least one university that is designated by the NCAA as an FBS (Football Bowl Subdivision) football program
  • School year is defined as the twelve months starting in August of a given year and ending in July of the following calendar year
  • A National Championship game is also considered a bowl game
  • Regular season games with text in the notes field and bowls games are considered to be played on neutral territory
  • A school can have many school facts
  • A school fact is associated to only one school
  • A school can have many game facts
  • A game fact is associated to only one school
  • A school year can have many school facts
  • A school fact is associated to only one school year
  • A school year is associated with many dates
  • A date can have only one school year
  • A date is associated with many games
  • A game can have only one date

One tricky aspect of this data set is the conformed dimension. The conformed dimension in the data warehouse between the two data sources is the school name. However, the syntax for school name is different between the two data sources (i.e. Ohio State vs. Ohio State University). Thus, to be able to join the school and football data sets together, I need to perform fuzzy text matching.

Other challenging aspects of modeling this data are how best to handle the dynamic of dimSchool being a role playing dimension, as well as schools sometimes being winners and sometimes losers. I eventually settled on the solution of loading each game into the factGame table twice, with each role through the perspective of each school playing in that game. I also decided to add in a dimDate attribute of school year, and then snowflake it. I did this in order to better handle the grain discrepancy between the football game data (played on a specific date) and the school data (tied to a school year) when trying to report on the two sets of data at once. Having only the school year in the school data created a many to many relationship and snowflaking this dimension solved that issue.

Here is the final data model created in MySQL Workbench.

Fuzzy Text Matching

As mentioned previously, the only variable that ties the school data and the football data together is the school name. Thus, in order to be able to join the two data sets together, I need to create a lookup table that contains the school name from the football data and the corresponding school name from the school data. I’ll use fuzzy text matching in R to create this table.

I created a function to perform the fuzzy text matching. One benefit of this function is that it allows the user to concatenate text either before or after the football school name prior to the fuzzy matching. This is important because several of the school names from the football data are shortened (e.g Arizona instead of The University of Arizona). This concantenation can improve the fuzzy matching in some cases.

A cross join is used to match up all the football names with all of the school names so each combination can be assessed for string distance. I’m using all available string distance methods in the stringdist function so I can filter the data based on the method(s) that provide the best results. The definitions of the different string distance methods can be found here.

fuzzy_text_matching <- function(x, y, text = NULL, before_after = NULL) {
  # x = transformed school data
  # y = transformed football data
  # get unique school names
  unique_school_names <- x %>% 
    filter(school_year_start == max(school_year_start) & school_main_campus_flag == 1) %>% 
    select(school_name) %>%
    distinct() %>% 
    mutate(dummy = 1) # create dummy variable to join on

  # get unique football school names by combining values in the school and opponent columns into one column
  unique_football_names <- y %>% 
    select(school, opponent) %>% 
    gather("delete", "football_name", 1:2) %>%
    select(football_name) %>% 
    distinct() %>% 
    mutate(dummy = 1) # create dummy variable to join on

  # use stringdist for fuzzy text matching; run through all possible methods used for distance calculation
  # cross join football names with all school names (227 football names * 2187 school names = 496449 possible combinations)
  ft_all <- unique_football_names %>% 
    mutate(low_football_name = tolower(football_name)) %>% 
    inner_join(unique_school_names, by = "dummy") %>% # join on dummy variable to essentially do a cross join
    mutate(low_school_name = tolower(school_name)) 
  method_list <- c("osa", "lv", "dl", "hamming", "lcs", "qgram", "cosine", "jaccard", "jw", "soundex")
  if (is.null(text) & is.null(before_after)) {
    ft_result <- method_list %>% 
      map_dfc(~ tibble(stringdist(ft_all$low_football_name, ft_all$low_school_name, method = .x))) %>% 
      set_names(method_list) %>% 
      bind_cols(ft_all, .) %>% 
      select(-dummy, -low_school_name, -low_football_name)
  } else if (is.null(text) & !is.null(before_after)) {
      stop("Text to concantenate with football name is missing", call. = FALSE)
  } else if (!is.null(text) & is.null(before_after)) {
      stop("Please specify if text should be concantenated before or after the football name", call. = FALSE)
  } else if (!(before_after %in% c("before", "after"))) {
      stop("The 'before_after' argument must have a value of before or after", call. = FALSE)
  } else if (before_after == "before") {
    ft_before <- ft_all %>%
      mutate(text_football_name = paste(tolower(text), low_football_name))
    ft_result <- method_list %>% 
      map_dfc(~ tibble(stringdist(ft_before$text_football_name, ft_before$low_school_name, method = .x))) %>% 
      set_names(method_list) %>% 
      bind_cols(ft_before, .) %>% 
      select(-text_football_name, -dummy, -low_school_name, -low_football_name)
  } else {
    ft_after <- ft_all %>%
      mutate(football_name_text = paste(low_football_name, tolower(text)))
    ft_result <- method_list %>% 
      map_dfc(~ tibble(stringdist(ft_after$football_name_text, ft_after$low_school_name, method = .x))) %>% 
      set_names(method_list) %>% 
      bind_cols(ft_after, .) %>% 
      select(-football_name_text, -dummy, -low_school_name, -low_football_name)
fuzzy_text_res <- fuzzy_text_matching(school_data_transform, football_data_transform)
Table 6: Fuzzy Text Matching Output
football_name school_name osa lv dl hamming lcs qgram cosine jaccard jw soundex
Arizona State University of South Florida-Main Campus 33 33 33 Inf 38 28 0.2909866 0.5714286 0.4581197 1
Arizona State St Petersburg College 18 18 18 Inf 26 20 0.5120500 0.6250000 0.5564713 1
Arizona State Broward College 12 12 12 Inf 18 18 0.5449842 0.6875000 0.5273504 1
Arizona State Luther Rice College & Seminary 24 24 24 Inf 31 25 0.4564172 0.5000000 0.5522589 1
Arizona State State College of Florida-Manatee-Sarasota 33 33 33 Inf 38 30 0.1476006 0.4705882 0.4466996 1

Now we can filter the data based on the best matches. This is still somewhat of a manual process but the fuzzy text matching is infinitely better than manually matching the strings.

# filter data based on exact matches and results for close matches
text_matches_for_review <- fuzzy_text_res %>% 
  filter(jw < 0.20) %>% 
  mutate(correct_match = 1) %>% # add column for user to manually update with 0 if the match is no good
# this is an iterative process where you can add the correct matches to a final match data table until all schools are matched
fuzzy_text_match_final <- text_matches_for_review %>% 
  filter(correct_match == 1) %>% 
  select(football_name, school_name)

I also concatenated “university of” to the football school names to see if that improved the text matching for the remaining unmatched schools.

fuzzy_text_conc_before <- fuzzy_text_matching(school_data_transform, football_data_transform, "university of", "before")
# remove the results that have already been matched
fuzzy_text_conc_before <- fuzzy_text_conc_before %>% 
  anti_join(fuzzy_text_match_final, by = "football_name")

fuzzy_text_conc_before_review <- fuzzy_text_conc_before %>% 
  filter(jw < 0.10) %>% 
  mutate(correct_match = 1) %>%
# this is an iterative process where you can add the correct matches to a final match data table until all schools are matched
fuzzy_text_match_final <- fuzzy_text_conc_before_review %>% 
  filter(correct_match == 1) %>% 
  select(football_name, school_name) %>% 

All in all, this process does require iteration, filtering, and manual review. In the end, I was able to match 84% of the school names using the output from the fuzzy text matching. The school names that were difficult to match were ones like penn state = pennsylvania state university-main campus or ucla = university of california-los angeles. Eventually I got a final table that matches each of the football school names with the school names from the school data.

Table 7: Final School Name Lookup Table
football_name school_name
Boston College Boston College
Virginia Military Institute Virginia Military Institute
Abilene Christian Abilene Christian University
Alabama A&M Alabama A & M University
Alabama State Alabama State University

During this fuzzy text matching process, I found that I was missing the following from the school data: United States Military Academy (Army), United States Naval Academy (Navy), and United States Air Force Academy (Air Force). According to the Scorecard Helpdesk “College Scorecard data are currently limited to institutions that participate in Title-IV federal financial aid programs. As the U.S. service academies do not participate in Title-IV, the data needed for inclusion in Scorecard are unavailable.” So, I made the decision to go directly to The National Center for Education Statistics to get what data I could for these missing schools. I had to export a csv for each year from the website, which is a fairly painful process because the site is a little tricky to figure out. Below, I brought that data into R and transformed it. The different years had different column orders (of course!) in the exported csv files, so that is why I have missing_school_data_1 and missing_school_data_2.

Get Missing Data

get_missing_data <- function(file_path, column_names, column_pos) {
  file_names <- list.files(path = file_path, pattern = "*\\.csv", full.names = TRUE)
  # Merge all school data files
  combined_data <- file_names %>% 
    map_dfr(~ fread(.x, skip = 1, header = FALSE, select = column_pos, col.names = column_names), .id = "index") %>% 
    as_tibble() %>%
    mutate_at(vars(index), as.integer) %>% 
    mutate(file = basename(file_names[index]))
missing_school_data_1 <- get_missing_data("~/Documents/DataProjects/football_schools/school_data/column_order1", 
                                            "school_retention_rate"), c(1:6, 8:11, 13:15, 22, 25:34, 37:38))

missing_school_data_2 <- get_missing_data("~/Documents/DataProjects/football_schools/school_data/column_order2", 
                                            "ACT_math_75th_percentile"), c(1:6, 8:11, 13:15, 22, 27:28, 32:41))
clean_missing_data <- function(missing1, missing2) {
  clean_data <- missing1 %>% 
    bind_rows(missing2) %>% 
    filter(school_id %in% c(197036, 128328, 164155)) %>% 
    mutate(school_zip = str_sub(zip, end = 5),
           school_region = recode(region,"0" = "US Service school"),  
           school_level = recode(level,"1" = "4-year"),
           school_control = recode(control,"1" = "Public"),
           school_size_category = recode(size_category,"2" = "1,000 - 4,999"),  
           school_state = recode(school_st_abbr, 
                                 "CO" = "Colorado", 
                                 "NY" = "New York", 
                                 "MD" = "Maryland"),
           school_year_start = str_sub(file, end = 4),
           school_main_campus_flag = 1) %>% 
    mutate_at(vars(school_graduation_rate_6yrs, school_admission_rate, school_retention_rate), funs(. / 100)) %>% 
    mutate_at(vars(school_year_start), as.integer) %>% 
    select(-index, -file, -zip, -region, -level, -control, -size_category)
missing_school_data <- clean_missing_data(missing_school_data_1, missing_school_data_2)

Creating Tables in the Data Warehouse

From the data model, I want to create the tables in my data warehouse on AWS. To do this I first connect to my database in MySQL Workbench. Then select Database > Forward Engineer. The wizard guides you through the process and generates the necessary SQL to create the database and tables.

Now that my tables are created, I want to load the clean data into my data warehouse. The first step is to connect to my database in R. I put my username, password, and host information into a .Renviron file so I could access it without putting it my code.

con <- dbConnect(MySQL(),
                 user = Sys.getenv("RDSuser"),
                 password = Sys.getenv("RDSpw"),
                 host = Sys.getenv("RDShost"),
                 dbname = 'FootballSchoolDW')


Now that I have a connection to the database. I can write the data to it. I could setup the dimSchool table as a type 2 slowly changing dimension, but I decided that I did not need a history of the changes from 2011 to 2015. I found that the changes from one year to the next were minor. Thus, I setup the dimSchool dimension as a type I slowly changing dimension. As a result, you’ll notice that I’m only including the school information from the latest school year that I have, which is 2015.

# filter for only 2015 data and only columns needed for dimSchool
dimSchool <- school_data_transform %>%
  semi_join(fuzzy_text_final, by = "school_name") %>% 
  bind_rows(missing_school_data) %>% 
  filter(school_year_start %in% max(school_year_start)) %>%
Table 8: dimSchool
school_id school_name school_alias school_city school_st_abbr school_state school_zip school_region school_longitude school_latitude school_main_campus_flag school_size_category school_url school_control school_level
137351 University of South Florida-Main Campus USF Main Campus |USF Tampa Campus |USF Tampa |USF Tampa FL Florida 33620 Southeast -82.41588 28.05665 1 20,000 and above Public 4-year
130934 Delaware State University NA Dover DE Delaware 19901 Mid East -75.54053 39.18717 1 1,000 - 4,999 Public 4-year
139940 Georgia State University NA Atlanta GA Georgia 30303 Southeast -84.38667 33.75270 1 20,000 and above Public 4-year
145637 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Illinois|Illinios|Ilinois|Ilinios|Urbana|Champaign|Champagne|Champaign-Urbana|Champagne-Urbana|Urbana-Champaign|Urbana-Champagne|University of Illinois at Urbana|University of Illinois at Champaign|University of Illinois at Champagne|University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana|University of Illinois at Champagne-Urbana|UIUC|UICU|University of Illinois at UC|University of Illinois at CU Champaign IL Illinois 61820 Great Lakes -88.23031 40.10886 1 20,000 and above Public 4-year
126614 University of Colorado Boulder U of Colorado|Univ of Colorado|University of Colorado|U of CO|Univ of CO|University of CO|Boulder|CU|CU-Boulder|UCB|CUB|Colorado|Colorado University|U of Colo|Univ of Colo|University of Colo|Colo|Buffs|Buffalos|Buffaloes|CU at Boulder|Golden Buffs|University of Colorado at Boulder Boulder CO Colorado 80309 Rocky Mountains -105.26706 40.00442 1 20,000 and above Public 4-year
dbWriteTable(con, name = "dimSchool", value = dimSchool , append = TRUE, row.names = FALSE)

dimDate and dimSchoolYear

Before I can load the fact tables, I need to create the dimDate and dimSchoolYear tables and load them into the data warehouse.

create_date_table <- function(start_year) {
  d <- tibble(date_value = seq(mdy(paste0("01/01/", start_year)), by = "day", length.out = 6940),
              date_sk = as.integer(format(date_value, format = "%Y%m%d")),
              school_year_sk = if_else(month(date_value) %in% c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7), as.integer(year(date_value) - 1), as.integer(year(date_value))),
              month_value = month(date_value),
              day_value = day(date_value),
              year_value = year(date_value),
              day_of_week_value = wday(date_value),
              day_of_week_name = wday(date_value, label = TRUE, abbr = FALSE),
              month_name = month(date_value, label = TRUE, abbr = FALSE)) %>% 
               select(date_sk, school_year_sk, everything())
dimDate <- create_date_table(2011)
Table 9: dimDate
date_sk school_year_sk date_value month_value day_value year_value day_of_week_value day_of_week_name month_name
20110101 2010 2011-01-01 1 1 2011 7 Saturday January
20110102 2010 2011-01-02 1 2 2011 1 Sunday January
20110103 2010 2011-01-03 1 3 2011 2 Monday January
20110104 2010 2011-01-04 1 4 2011 3 Tuesday January
20110105 2010 2011-01-05 1 5 2011 4 Wednesday January
dbWriteTable(conn = con, name = 'dimDate', value = dimDate, append = TRUE, row.names = FALSE)
create_school_year <- function(dates) {
  # x should be dimDate or equivalent
  s <- dates %>% 
    mutate(school_year_value = school_year_sk) %>% 
    select(school_year_sk, school_year_value) %>% 
dimSchoolYear <- create_school_year(dimDate)
Table 10: dimSchoolYear
school_year_sk school_year_value
2010 2010
2011 2011
2012 2012
2013 2013
2014 2014
dbWriteTable(conn = con, name = 'dimSchoolYear', value = dimSchoolYear, append = TRUE, row.names = FALSE)


In the game source data, one row represents two schools, both a winner and loser. In the data warehouse I want to represent a game from each school’s perspective. Therefore, I loaded two rows for each game and defined the school columns in the table as ‘school’ and ‘opponent.’ This allowed me to load both the winner and the loser into the same column on two different rows. For analysis, this permitted me to obtain data for both winners and losers by querying just one column, either ‘school’ or ‘opponent’.

create_factGame <- function(football, dates, text_match) {
  # football should be clean, transformed football data
  # dates should be the dimDate table or equivalent
  # text_match should be the final fuzzy text matching data
  # get SKs
  school_opponent_sks <- dbGetQuery(con, "SELECT school_sk, school_name
                                    FROM FootballSchoolDW.dimSchool")
  # create unique game id by concantenating the school year with the original game number
  final_football_data <- football %>% 
    left_join(select(dates, date_value, date_sk, school_year_sk), by = c("game_date" = "date_value")) %>%
    unite(game_id, school_year_sk, game_number, sep = "") %>%
    mutate_at(vars(game_id), as.integer) %>% 
    left_join(text_match, by = c("school" = "football_name")) %>% 
    rename(school_lookup = school_name) %>% 
    left_join(school_opponent_sks, by = c("school_lookup" = "school_name")) %>% 
    left_join(text_match, by = c("opponent" = "football_name")) %>% 
    rename(opponent_lookup = school_name) %>% 
    left_join(school_opponent_sks, by = c("opponent_lookup" = "school_name")) %>% 
    rename(school_sk = school_sk.x, opponent_sk = school_sk.y) 
  if (any($school_sk))) { 
    warning("Some school SKs are NA. Check before loading data into database.", call. = FALSE)
  if (any($opponent_sk))) { 
    warning("Some opponent SKs are NA. Check before loading data into database.", call. = FALSE)

  winner <- final_football_data %>% 
  loser <- final_football_data %>%
  # I intentionally want to bind these two tibbles together by the column orders
  # specified above so I get a row for the school and a row for the opponent in the final table
  final_football_ordered <- rbindlist(list(winner, loser)) %>% 
    as_tibble() %>% 
factGame <- create_factGame(football_data_transform, dimDate, fuzzy_text_final)
Table 11: factGame
school_sk opponent_sk date_sk game_id school_points opponent_points school_win football_notes school_rank opponent_rank school_game_site opponent_game_site bowl bowl_flag national_championship_flag
221 106 20110901 20111 48 14 1 NA NA NA home away NA 0 0
106 221 20110901 20111 14 48 0 NA NA NA away home NA 0 0
30 17 20110901 20112 32 15 1 NA NA NA away home NA 0 0
17 30 20110901 20112 15 32 0 NA NA NA home away NA 0 0
23 49 20110901 20113 21 6 1 NA NA NA home away NA 0 0
dbWriteTable(conn = con, name = 'factGame', value = factGame, append = TRUE, row.names = FALSE)


Finally, the factSchool table was loaded. The school_year was obtained from the snowflaked dimSchoolYear table, the school_sk was obtained from the dimSchool table.

create_factSchool <- function(school, missing_data, school_year, text_match) {
  # school should be clean, transformed school data
  # missing_data is the missing school data
  # school_year should be the dimSchoolYear table or equivalent
  # text_match should be the final fuzzy text matching data
  # get SKs
  school_sks <- dbGetQuery(con, "SELECT school_sk, school_name 
                           FROM FootballSchoolDW.dimSchool")
  final_school_data <- school %>%
    semi_join(text_match, by = "school_name") %>% 
    bind_rows(missing_data) %>% 
    left_join(school_sks, by = "school_name") %>% 
    left_join(school_year, by = c("school_year_start" = "school_year_value")) %>%
  if (any($school_sk))) { 
    warning("Some school SKs are NA. Check before loading data into database.", call. = FALSE)
factSchool <- create_factSchool(school_data_transform, missing_school_data, dimSchoolYear, fuzzy_text_final)
Table 12: factSchool
school_sk school_year_sk school_admission_rate school_in_state_price school_out_state_price school_retention_rate school_graduation_rate_4yrs school_graduation_rate_6yrs school_federal_loan_rate school_students_with_any_loan school_median_debt_graduates school_median_debt_graduates_monthly_payments SAT_reading_25th_percentile SAT_reading_75th_percentile SAT_math_25th_percentile SAT_math_75th_percentile SAT_reading_midpoint SAT_math_midpoint ACT_composite_25th_percentile ACT_composite_75th_percentile ACT_english_25th_percentile ACT_english_75th_percentile ACT_math_25th_percentile ACT_math_75th_percentile ACT_composite_midpoint ACT_english_midpoint ACT_math_midpoint
7 2011 0.3805 5800 14990 0.8752 0.2488538 0.5171 0.4489 0.8158580 17500.0 NA 520 620 540 630 570 585 23 27 22 28 23 27 25 25 25
8 2011 0.4265 7056 15052 0.7046 0.1853107 0.3458 0.7559 0.9596323 28438.5 NA 400 470 400 470 435 435 16 20 15 20 16 19 18 18 18
9 2011 0.5183 9410 27620 0.8314 0.1754839 0.4731 0.5446 0.6536679 18739.5 NA 500 590 500 600 545 550 21 26 21 26 20 26 24 24 23
16 2011 0.6759 13838 27980 0.9275 0.6605480 0.8243 0.4289 0.9348945 19125.0 NA 540 660 690 780 600 735 26 31 26 32 26 33 29 29 30
6 2011 0.8694 9152 30330 0.8380 0.4008388 0.6814 0.3470 0.9125573 17998.0 NA 520 630 540 650 575 595 24 28 23 29 23 29 26 26 26
dbWriteTable(conn = con, name = 'factSchool', value = factSchool, append = TRUE, row.names = FALSE)

Create View in SQL

Now that all of the data is loaded into the database, I’m going to create a view using SQL that will be used for the analysis/data visualization work. If the dataset were larger, I would consider creating a materialized view, but for this amount of data a regular view will work fine.

CREATE VIEW viewAnalysis AS 
    SUM(fg.school_points) AS school_points,
    SUM(fg.opponent_points) AS opponent_points,
    SUM(fg.school_win) AS school_wins,
    MIN(fg.school_rank) AS min_school_rank,
    MIN(fg.opponent_rank) AS min_opponent_rank,
    SUM(fg.bowl_flag) AS bowl_games,
  SUM(CASE WHEN (fg.bowl_flag = 1 AND fg.school_win = 1)
          THEN 1
      ELSE 0
      END) AS bowl_wins,
    SUM(fg.national_championship_flag) AS national_championship_games,
    SUM(CASE WHEN (fg.national_championship_flag = 1 AND fg.school_win = 1)
          THEN 1
      ELSE 0
      END) AS national_championship_wins,
    SUM(CASE WHEN (fg.school_game_site = 'home' AND fg.school_win = 1)
          THEN 1
          ELSE 0
          END) AS home_wins, 
    SUM(CASE WHEN (fg.school_game_site = 'home' AND fg.school_win = 0)
          THEN 1
          ELSE 0
          END) AS home_loses,
    SUM(CASE WHEN (fg.school_game_site = 'home')
          THEN 1
          ELSE 0
          END) AS home_games,
    SUM(CASE WHEN ((fg.school_game_site = 'away' OR fg.school_game_site = 'neutral' ) AND fg.school_win = 1)
          THEN 1
          ELSE 0
          END) AS road_wins,
    SUM(CASE WHEN ((fg.school_game_site = 'away' OR fg.school_game_site = 'neutral' ) AND  fg.school_win = 0)
          THEN 1
          ELSE 0
          END) AS road_loses,
    SUM(CASE WHEN (fg.school_game_site = 'away' OR fg.school_game_site = 'neutral' )
          THEN 1
          ELSE 0
          END) AS road_games,
    SUM(CASE WHEN (fg.opponent_rank IS NOT NULL AND fg.school_win = 1)
          THEN 1
          ELSE 0
          END) AS wins_against_ranked_opponents,
    SUM(CASE WHEN (fg.opponent_rank IS NOT NULL AND fg.school_win = 0)
          THEN 1
          ELSE 0
          END) AS loses_against_ranked_opponent,
    SUM(CASE WHEN (fg.opponent_rank IS NOT NULL)
          THEN 1
      ELSE 0
      END) AS games_against_ranked_opponent,
    SUM(fg.school_points) - SUM(fg.opponent_points) AS point_differential,
    COUNT(*) as total_games
FROM FootballSchoolDW.factGame AS fg
  INNER JOIN FootballSchoolDW.dimSchool AS ds
  ON fg.school_sk = ds.school_sk
  INNER JOIN FootballSchoolDW.dimDate AS dd
  ON dd.date_sk = fg.date_sk
  INNER JOIN FootballSchoolDW.dimSchoolYear AS sy
  ON dd.school_year_sk = sy.school_year_sk
  INNER JOIN FootballSchoolDW.factSchool AS fs
  ON fs.school_sk = ds.school_sk and fs.school_year_sk = sy.school_year_sk
  ORDER BY sy.school_year_value
# disconnect from RDS

Creating Tableau Dashboard

I am going to start by building a dashboard in Tableau. Maybe if I get ambitious, I’ll build something similar in Shiny. I only have Tableau Public, which can’t connect directly to my database (only the paid version of Tableau allows this). So, I’ll export a CSV file from the view I just created and use that as my Tableau data source.

Users can filter the data based on various fields and then see the corresponding game stats for the filtered list of schools. The user can also select the years they want to view data for and can choose to view the means or medians of the data for the given years selected. A larger view of the dashboard can be found here.

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